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Ripper Seeds



Regular price €18,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,00 EUR
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Sideral – Ripper Seeds

Sideral on Ripper Seeds'i poolt välja töötatud sort, mis loob mitmekesise ja intensiivse maitseprofiili, ühendades Amnesia ja Lavender Kushin kloonide unikaalsed omadused. Selle geneetiline kombinatsioon peidab endas vürtsikaid ja mahedaid noote, mis muudavad selle väga nauditavaks.

Tänu oma kergelt sativa-taolisele struktuurile toodab Sideral kompaktseid õisikuid, millel on suur vaiguriba. Selle mõju on tugev, kuid talutav, mis muudab selle atraktiivseks valikuks kogenud tarbijale, kes soovib nautida täidlast maitset.

Sideral kombineerib puuviljaseid maitseid suitsukate sarnaste nootidega, mis mõjub meelele ahvatlevalt ja annab rahustava efekti. See vaigumahlane delikatess sobib nii suitsetamiseks kui ka aurustamiseks, pakkudes kasutajatele keerulist, kuid meeldivat maitseelamust.

Sideral tugineb oma mõjude osas rikkalikule kannabinoidiprofiilile, et pakkuda tugevaid, lõõgastavaid tundeid. Hoolimata oma tugevusest ei ole see täiesti domineeriv, mistõttu sobib see ideaalselt nii ühisteks sessioonideks kui ka vaikseteks hetkedeks üksi.

Siderali maitse ühendab endas lummavaid lillelisi ja vürtsikaid noote, mis ei jäta kedagi külmaks. See võimas, kuid mitte üle jõu käiv sort on ideaalne valik neile, kes otsivad värskendavat ja talutavat mõju.

Lineage: Lavender "Kush" x Amnesia

Sideral is a Feminized variety with Photoperiodic photoperiod.. Its producer is Ripper Seeds. This variety is chemotyped Type I (THC-dominant).

More information about product features

Brand: Ripper Seeds
Sex: Feminized
Photoperiod: Photoperiodic
Genotype: Hybrid
Chemotype: Type I (THC-dominant)
Lineage: Skunk, Afghan, Northern Lights, Amnesia, and Haze

Storage instructions

Store in a dry and cool place, protected from light in an airtight container. To ensure the best shelf life, do not open the package.

Discreet delivery from Finland

The products are always delivered from our warehouse in Finland in an inconspicuous package without our store's logos.

View full details

Please note that germinating cannabis seeds may be prohibited in your area. The seeds are sold for collecting purposes and to preserve genetics. All the information about plant characteristics presented on the page is intended to preserve genetics for future generations. The information is based on information provided by the manufacturer and is presented for purely informative purposes.

  • Always in original packaging

    All the seeds we sell are always delivered in the manufacturer's sealed original packaging to preserve the highest collection value. We never repackage seeds purchased in bulk.

  • Best storage conditions

    We carefully nurture precious seeds to guarantee freshness. We invest in equipment that ensures optimal conditions, such as temperature and humidity, to guarantee the best shelf life.

  • In the swim

    We work closely with the best in the industry and constantly keep up with the latest trends. Our expert staff is always updating their knowledge so that they can help you find the products you like.

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