Collection: Testers

Illegal drugs may contain various additives, or they may be a completely different substance than the seller claims. By testing the substance, health hazards or even life-threatening situations can be avoided. Testers can be used to trace common intoxicants and extenders.

Reagent tests can determine either the concentration of a substance or the presence of a substance in the test substance. For best results, use several different extension testers and, if necessary, a purity tester.

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Substance testers for harm reduction

Disclaimer: Seeds of Love wants to provide tools to reduce the harms associated with illicit drug use that the authorities are not willing to provide. As we can only provide testing equipment and cannot offer a testing service where the results are interpreted by a professional, test results should always be taken as indicative. Seeds of Love accepts no responsibility for any choices or actions taken on the basis of test results. Seeds of Love assumes no liability for damages caused by negligent handling of testing equipment and test materials.